Prevent is the multi-agency set of arrangements aimed at preventing individuals and groups from engaging in violent extremism. Prevent is not aimed at suppressing freedom of thought and expression.
Early indicators of extremism may include:
- Showing sympathy for extremist causes
- Glorifying violence
- Evidence of possessing illegal or extremist literature
- Advocating messages similar to illegal organisations such as ‘Muslims Against Crusades’ or other non-proscribed extremist groups such as the English Defence league
- Out of character changes in dress, behaviour and peer relationships
(reproduced from Tower Hamlets LSCB Prevent guidance 2015)
How can I support my child?
Parents/carers can discuss the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships with their children, this is really important in helping highlight potential risks to them.
There are also practical steps you can take, such as:
- Don’t wait to be 100% sure, collect evidence, if you suspect that your child is at risk – act now and call Child Line or Essex Police.
- Stay alert to changes in behaviour or any physical signs of abuse, e.g. bruising
- Be aware of new, unexplained gifts or possessions, e.g. mobile phones, and carefully monitor any instances of staying out late or not returning home
- Exercise caution around older friends your child may have, or relationships with other young people where there appears to be a power imbalance
- Make sure you understand the risks associated with your child being online and put measures in place to minimise them.