OFSTED 2022..."Pupils describe West Horndon as being a big family. Staff know pupils well. Pupils are proud to be part of such a welcoming school...Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils rise to meet these expectations. All staff share this vision. Leaders make sure pupils have a wide set of experiences. These help pupils develop into confident individuals. Pupils develop their self-esteem through extra responsibilities...Leaders have developed an inspirational curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of pupils at West Horndon. ..The whole school environment is a celebration of language and vocabulary...Pupils are well behaved in lessons and around school. They know the school rules...Leaders consider staff’s workload and well-being. Staff enjoy working at the school and feel supported by leaders." Pupils do not disrupt lessons. Pupils always do their best and want to make their teachers proud of what they can achieve. 2024 New Intake Prospective Parent Tours 2nd Oct at 10.30am, 30th Nov at 9.30am and 11 Jan at 9.30am Please call the school office or email admin@westhorndon.essex.sch.uk to book a space.

Welcome to the West Horndon Primary School website!  
It has been my honour and privilege to be the headteacher of this fantastic school for the last 14 years. I am incredibly proud of our school and its children and staff team. We, like all schools, aspire to be outstanding and believe we are in many areas, but we also aspire to stand out!

We do things a little differently round here! We believe that happy children learn best – safety, fun and good humour are at the heart of our approach along with high expectations and a consistent strive for improvement.

Alongside our mainstream classes we have an enhanced provision for Speech and Language. Children who join this class, usually with an EHCP, receive focused teaching, speech and language therapy onsite and carefully planned integration and interaction with their mainstream peers. To find out more about the enhanced provision, please contact Mr Jepson - our Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo - or Miss Griffin - our Enhanced Provision SENDCo - either of whom will be happy to tell you more.

We pride ourselves on our individuality and our willingness to do the right thing for our children in our unique setting. Our curriculum is bespoke and unique to us in response to the needs of our setting and learners. We want our learners to have a broad range of experiences during their learning journey with us – including our ’50 Things’. Among the things we value highly are the use of technology, learning outside and character development. Please explore our website to find out a little more about our vision, values and what we do.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you require anymore information. I look forward to meeting you in person and welcoming you to the WHPS family!

Best regards

Matt O’Grady, Headteacher. BEd (Hons), FCCT, NPQEL, NPQH